Raspberry & Chocolate Bargello


Barbara decided to tackle another bargello using a different colour scheme. Because we liked the Chocolate Raspberry so much, that was the colour scheme chosen for the second bargello.

The materials were chosen and put together by Catherine at The Quilted Garden.

Piecing was started 2006.07.27, and, finished 2006.08.29. Barbara was very pleased with her work. Less than a quarter inch out side to side, and top to bottom. I'm impressed.

As has been the case for most of Barbara's quilts, it was professionally quilted by Catherine as well. We picked it up on September 20, 2006.

Same design, different look!

This one also gets two photos posted. This is the first of the two.

Barbara's second bargello, Raspberry and Chocolate.

You will likely note that the photo's are only of the top. We need to get shots of the finished item.